Friday 29 June 2012

'By Royal Command'

As I said in my last post, I had to create a blog about reading. This meant I would actually have to read and actual book. I went to the library, looked for a book that floats my boat, I saw a James Bond book that i liked the look of. This was because of a few key reasons. the cover, as with all books the thing that sells it with me.
As you can see, this has a very simple yet appealing front cover. The red stands out really well against the shiny silver background. The font looks like a font you would see in a James Bond movie, straight and bold. The scope at the start of the title is to show that there is going to be guns and combat in the book.

I have only read one chapter. The first chapter is an introduction to one of the main characters, Colonel Irena Sedova of the Russian secret police. She is on a spy mission when she is told to check on one of her cell members. A cell is a group of spies. She sneaks out of her current position. As a spy, you have to have a cover, and the cover that the man who she has to check on has chosen is a book shop owner. She walks into the book store and is greeted by a shop assistant. She asks to see the boss, and is directed to a small stench filled room. There is a tall bearded man sitting behind a desk. She asks to see Ferreira, the man Irena Sedova is checking on. The man ushers the shop assistant out and exclaims in a thick Russian accent, "I am Ferreira". She instantly notices that the man is not Ferreira from the photos of him that she had seen. She tells the man that he is not Ferreira, and he instantly looks up. He says that she is too late. And before she could say anything, the man pulled a gun out and shot her 3 times in the chest. As she is a spy, she takes extra precautions for situations like this. She wears a bulletproof vest at all times. So when the man was not looking, she jumped up and snapped his neck. That was the end of the chapter.

This is a positive start for this book, and I am wondering what will happen next, which is the main thing i look for when reading.

I would give the first chapter of this book a 8/10 for the story and a good start to the book. It was confusing at times, but overall a good chapter.

Wednesday 27 June 2012

I used to read...

I don't read. So when i was asked to create a blog for reading, i was skeptical. I used to read, I used to read alot. I would bust out the books every night for at least an hour. I grew out of the habit of it, and now only read on occasion.

I don't like reading for 2 reasons, 1 I don't have the time to sit down for hours on end getting engrossed in a book about a wizard. the second reason is that it is just boring. i have tried many differant books, horror, comedy and adventure but none of them can keep my attention for more than the first chapter.

I don't find the appeal or fun in reading page after page.